Why joining the 3rd circle of SafeLife-X
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Becoming member of the 3rd circle will give you access to information on the activities of the SafeLife-X project (workshops, consultations, publications of reports...).
The 3rd Circle of the stakeholder platform is be composed of experts from various platforms such as the European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety (ETPIS), European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) and Research for Future Infrastructure Networks in Europe (reFINE), and ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council). It will help to find a consensus among the community that will be built thanks to this group of experts and it will accelerate the dissemination of the results.
Technical workshops:
During the life of the project, the consortium will organize several thematic worskhops devoted to:
Identification of the needs in the area of plant safety management
- Technologies of data acquisition and modeling
- Definition of the test cases, the approach for the benchmark and the data collection
- Methodologies of aging management
- Analysis of the degradation laws and mechanisms, and the implementation of deterministic and probabilistic approaches
- Alignment of approaches and preparation of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) in the area of aging
- Final conference (presentation of the SRA and implementation strategy as well as a presentation of the business plan for a sustainable structure of the platform)
As member of the 3rd circle, you will have the possibility to participate to the events and have access to the workshop materials.
The 3rd circle members will be consulted during surveys
elaborated by the consortium. These surveys will be an important
oppotunity for the stakeholders to share their point of view on
different issues related to aging.
Specifically, the members will be consulted in order to
- define the needs from industry, authorities and policy makers,
- validate the approach implemented in the project with regard to existing regulatory and industrial demands,
- support dissemination of the results towards a large community.
Public reports:
Most of the reports for the project will be public. The "Aging community" will be informed via newsletters about the release of these documents.
- D1.1 Identification of the needs to improve aging management
- D1.2 Mapping of the existing standard and regulations
- D1.3 Proceedings of the workshop “Expression of the needs to improve aging management”
- D2.1 A report for the aging concerns
- D2.2 Proceedings of the workshop on aging technologies
- D2.3 Proceedings of the workshop on aging methodologies
- D3.1 Note describing the test cases, the elements to be compared and the approach
- D3.2 Report on the data collection, including a guide & recommendations concerning collection of operation feedback on structures and collection of monitoring data
- D3.3 Report on the analysis of the degradation laws and kinetics
- D3.4 Report on the benchmark with a guide for implementing a probabilistic / deterministic study devoted to structural safety analysis concerning the monitoring data and their treatment
- D3.5 Guide on prevention & mitigation, and integration for aging management
- D4.1 First draft of 2 guidance documents, ready for review by the experts involved in the project
- D4.2 EN Risk based inspection as an example of future standards to be developed
- D5.1 Strategic Research Agenda for a safe life extension of the infrastructures
- D5.2 Research Priorities
- D6.1Note describing the business cases and their components
- D6.2 Report on social, economical and technical barriers
- D6.3 Report with roadmap, business cases and recommendation future research
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You can join the "Aging Community" platform by applying with the on-line registration form.

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