SafeLife-X Final Conference
Safe Life Extension management of aged infrastructures networks and industrial plants
Brussels, Belgium on June 24-25, 2015
in conjunction with SafeLife-X education courses on Resilience
to be organized on June 23-24, 2015
and with the RBi-EN meeting
to be organized on June 24, 2015
The SafeLife-X Final Conference is an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world” and an opportunity for interested professionals, not participating in the project, to learn about the project and its results.
The Conference will be focused on the Strategic Research Agenda and its implementation strategy, as well as on the sustainable structure for the group. In addition to this, selected presentations from key project and outside partners covering topics related to the technologies and methodologies of aging management and business cases will be given
Preliminary program:

Call for papers:
In order to ensure that the most interesting and relevant topics are included in the program of the Main Conference, we kindly invite you to communicate your interest by registering and submitting an abstract (200 words) at:
April 10, 2015
Please, note that the relevance of your contribution to the topics of the conference (management of aged infrastructures networks and industrial plants) will be decisive for the peer-review based acceptance of your paper/presentation.
SafeLife-X course / workshop on resilience:
Modern society depends more and more on the effective and reliable operations of infrastructure systems (infrastructures), such as those delivering energy, water, sanitation, shelter, information, emergency response and other critical services. These, on the other side, need to be assessed on their resilience in case of large and/or cascading events. Whilst most people fully agree about the importance of resilience, common agreement about the resilience assessment approaches, methods and tools is still an issue.
The course will look at these issues primary from the engineer point of view and, after preparing the overview and information about the state-of-the-art focus on some practical examples highlighting aspects of the practical quantitative assessment of resilience.
More information
RBi-EN meeting (mandate of the National Mirror Group needed)
Information to be sent soon.
Please register by filling the form below by May 22, 2015.
Announcement leaflet:
For possible queries, please, feel free to contact us at
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Stuttgart.
SafeLife-X Conference Board